What if my retrospective planning application is rejected? 

Please watch the video to learn how to apply for planning permission.

Retrospective Planning 

If your retrospective planning application has been rejected it is certainly not great news and we understand how stressful it can be. You may have invested a significant amount of money building something which you thought did not need planning permission which is now at risk of being demolished.

However, all is not lost yet! It may be possible to appeal the decision or submit a new application. There are many reasons why an application might be rejected. Sometimes it could be a simple solution such as a different type of application that is required, missing information or minor mistakes with the original application that can be easily solved.

If your application is rejected you have 6 months from the decision date to lodge an appeal. This might sound like a long time however; appeals can be very complex and take time to prepare so you do need to act as fast as possible. If you leave it too late it might not be possible to put forward the strongest case, which could reduce the chance of winning your appeal. After 6 months and 1 day it is no longer possible to appeal a planning rejection regardless of the circumstances.

The good news is that if you or your architect are not qualified in planning permission, then there is a strong possibility that our expert planning consultants can find a solution.

In order to advise you on the best course of action for your appeal we need to conduct a planning appraisal. We will ask for as much detail as possible including photos of the development in question, copy of the rejection letter. Our planning consultants will then check the relevant planning policies, check the planning history and also look for any constraints that may affect your project.

Once we have carried out all the necessary research, we will arrange a planning consultation to discuss our findings. The planning consultant will advise you which would be the most appropriate course of action and the likelihood of success. Should you wish to instruct Studio Charrette to manage your appeal we will of course provide a quote and can take care of everything from start to finish.

Contact us now to speak with one of our expert planning consultants to find out what is the best approach for your retrospective planning application and the likelihood of success.

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