Looking for a Retrospective Planning Permission Service?

Our planners and architects can help!

Retrospective Planning Permission

If you have carried out works without first securing the necessary planning approval you will need to apply for retrospective planning permission. The most common reason for retrospective planning applications is that people thought their project would be permitted development and therefore not require planning approval.

Unfortunately, there are many constraints that can limit or remove permitted development rights. Often people read the planning portal or are told by a builder that planning permission would not be required. However, even if the project meets the criteria for permitted development, if the rights have been removed then planning permission is required.

Unfortunately, not all planning authorities accept retrospective planning applications and should you be in this unfortunate position there may be no option other than to wait for the enforcement and then try to appeal. If the appeal is unsuccessful you will have to comply with the enforcement which will mean restoring the property to its original state.

Often it is only after a project is built that neighbours complain to the planning authority who will then investigate. If planning permission is required, they may issue an enforcement notice giving you 28 days to appeal the enforcement, secure the correct planning approval or put the property back to its original state.

Planning approval is never guaranteed but if you need retrospective planning permission our expert planning consultants can advise you on the best course of action and the likelihood of success. We can also prepare, submit and manage your application from start to finish.

Contact us now to speak with one of our expert planning consultants to find out what is the best approach for your retrospective planning application, the likelihood of success and any associated costs.

Do you need retrospective planning permission?

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Potential Constraints

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How to apply for retrospective planning permission?

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What if my retrospective planning application is rejected?

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So, what next?

Studio Charrette can help you and take all of the stress out of this complicated process. Don’t hesitate, contact us now!

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